Organisation Committees



Sampling Committee


Supervises development and co-ordination of sampling protocols in the various morphoclimatic provinces throughout the world.


Dr. Alecos Demetriades (Chairperson), Hellenic Republic [E-mail:]

Dr. Iván Martín Méndez (Deputy Chairperson), Spain (; 

Dr. Maria João Batista, Portugal [E-mail:]

Dr. Timo Tarvainen, Finland [E-mail:]

Dr. Christopher C. Johnson, United Kingdom

Dr. Ignace Salpeteur, France

Dr. Juan Locutura, Spain

Dr. Alejandro Bel-Ian, Spain

Dr. Jim Bogen, Norway

Dr. Walter De Vos, Belgium



Analytical Committee 


Co-ordinates the work plan for the analysis of GRN samples, the activities of the laboratories, and the supervision of analytical quality control data.

. Gwendy Hall (Chairperson), Canada [E-mail:]

Dr. Manfred Birke, Germany [E-mail:]



Data Management Committee


Supervises sampling strategy, co-ordinates the sampling progress of the participating countries, manages the database of sample information and analytical results.

Dr. Timo Tarvainen (Chairperson), Finland [E-mail:]

Dr. Igor Bogatyrev, Russian Federation [E-mail:]

Dr. Steven M. Smith, U.S.A. [E-mail:]

Dr. Robert G. Garrett, Canada [E-mail:]

Dr. Eric C. Grunsky, Canada [E-mail:]

Dr. Nils Gustavsson, Finland [E-mail:]

Dr. Marivic P. Uzarraga, Geo-Information Sector Coordinator, CCOP Technical Secretariat [E-mail:]



Public Relations and Finance Committee


Advertises and promotes the aims, objectives and achievements of the project world-wide, including use of the World Wide Web, and takes responsibility for trying to secure external funding for the project.


Dr. Ariadne Argyraki (Chairperson), Hellas [E-mail:]

Dr. Patrick J. O’Connor, Ireland [E-mail:]


The Public Relations and Finance Committee seeks to have representatives in each country for the promotion of the Global Geochemical Baselines project.  People wishing to participate in this effort please contact Ariadne Argyraki [E-mail:].