Project development Laboratory Arrangements

Laboratory Arrangements

Laboratory Arrangements

An important condition is that all samples for the same suite of determinands must be analysed at the same laboratory with the same analytical procedure, because this is the only way to produce a harmonised and a homogeneous geochemical reference database of permanent value.  Instructions will be provided, therefore, by the project co-ordinators concerning which international reference analysis laboratories will receive the samples for analysis.


Ideally all samples should be prepared in a central facility.  As this may not be practical, each country must prepare its own samples following precisely the instructions that will be sent.  Following homogenisation, at least 12 splits of 50 grams each should be prepared to be sent to the participating international reference laboratories. 


The bulk of each sample should be retained in the country or region of origin in order to provide a range of secondary Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) to standardise future geochemical work in the area.