Sample Preparation
Contamination must be avoided in sample collection, preparation and storage by appropriate choice of tools, equipment and containers.
Stream Sediment
Depending on field sample site conditions wet or dry sieving of stream sediment may be employed; if sieving is not possible in the field, then the samples are sieved in the laboratory after drying at either room temperature or in thermostatically controlled ovens at a temperature of <40oC.
Upper limit of drainage sediment grain-size fraction analysed should be in the range of 0.10 to 0.18 mm; if this fraction is scarce, then a coarser fraction should be used.
A minimum of 100 g of the sieved fraction is required for analysis;
Sample material not required for immediate analysis should be archived for future use in contaminant-free permanent containers;
Systematic labelling and documentation is essential.
Soil and Floodplain/Overbank Sediment
Samples are first dried in the laboratory at either room temperature or in thermostatically controlled ovens at a temperature of <40oC;
A minimum of 100 g of the sieved fraction is required for analysis;
Sample material not required for immediate analysis should be archived for future use, in contaminant-free permanent containers;
Systematic labelling and documentation is essential.
In all cases, the samples should be sieved through a metal free polyethylene sieving cloth mounted on a polyethylene or wooden frame.
Grinding is recommended and should be carried out using high-alumina ceramic or agate equipment.
The sample preparation room must be clean and free of dust and the equipment cleaned thoroughly between each sample.