Goldschmidt Prague 2025 (6 to 11 July 2025)
Theme 05: Earth Resources and Energy
05j - Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping for Mineral Resource Management
Geochemical mapping is an essential tool in any study concerning Earth’s surface, regardless of scale. In an era where mineral raw materials play a critical role in the energy transition towards a greener society, regional geochemical mapping is particularly valuable to reveal metallogenic provinces with high ore potential. At more local mapping scales, geochemical studies can be directed towards identifying the provenance of certain elements or groups of elements. These local-scale geochemical surveys provide greater detail, offering insights that can be crucial for understanding the primary and secondary distribution and behaviour of elements, including mine tailings, which are becoming a valuable potential resource. The flexibility and applicability of geochemical mapping across various scales and disciplines underscores its indispensable role in mineral resource management. This session invites contributions on all aspects of mineral resource management including secondary resources.
Submissions are welcome that focus on (1) exploration targeting for new mineral deposits, and (2) improving metal recovery from both primary ores and mine wastes.
Among the conveners are: Paula Adánez Sanjuan (Commission's Scientific Secretary), Maria João Batista (Commission's Deputy Chairperson) and Anna Vymazalova (Commission member)
Deadline for abstract submission: 26 February 2025 (Please remember to submit your abstract to Session 05j - Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping for Mineral Resource Management)
Workshop title: Global to Regional and Local Scale Geochemical Mapping based on the methods described in the "International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network"
Global to regional and local scale geochemical mapping is based on the methods described in the International Union of Geological Sciences Manual of Standard Methods for Establishing the Global Geochemical Reference Network. This is one of a series of workshops organised by the Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) for promoting the harmonised mapping of the geochemistry of the Earth's surface for the development of internally consistent databases for rock, soil, stream water, stream sediment, overbank and floodplain sediments. Previous workshops have been held in Canada, China, Hellenic Republic, Iran, Tanzania, South Africa and South Korea.
The workshop will include three days of lectures where attendees will be given an overview of the methods, tools, and techniques used in global-to-regional and local-scale geochemical mapping for environmental and mineral resource management with hands-on exercises. All training materials will be provided on a memory stick. The fourth day will be a field training excursion where all the sampling methods used in geochemical mapping will be demonstrated.
The following topics will be covered: Sampling design; Field sampling methods; Sample preparation and storage; Development of project reference samples; Chemical analysis; Quality control methods; Data processing; Levelling of data; Map generation; Interpretation of geochemical patterns; Management of global-to-regional and local-scale geochemical projects. The hands-on exercises will cover (i) plotting X-Y, Shewhart and Thompson & Howarth charts; (ii) calculation of practical detection limit; (iii) estimation of robust analysis of variance; (iv) plotting different types of geochemical distribution maps, etc.
The instructors for the workshop are Alecos Demetriades, Maria João Batista, Ariadne Argyraki, Paula Adánez Sanjuan, Iván MartÍn-Méndez, Anna Ladenberger, Eva Martinková and Anna Vymazalová. Michal Ponavic is an experienced Czech applied geochemist who will be co-organising the field training course. They are all members of the IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines and have considerable experience in the planning, execution, and management of global-to-regional and local-scale geochemical mapping projects and in the publication of products resulting from these studies.
Venue: Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, CZ-118 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic.
Dates: (a) Workshop lectures 2 to 4 July 2025, 08:30-18:00, and
(b) Field training course 5 July 2025, 08:30-18:00.
Registration & Information: Workshop managed by Alecos Demetriades, Chair of the IUGS Commission on Global Geochemical Baselines.
For workshop registration and all questions, please contact: and
Registration Deadline: 31 May 2025
Sponsor: The four-day workshop is co-sponsored by the:
International Union of Geological Sciences
and hopefully the
Association of Applied Geochemists
Hence, NO registration fees are required. We, therefore, urge you to take advantage of their generosity.
The IUGS Executive Committee fully supports harmonised geochemical mapping (refer to Foreword signed by three IUGS Presidents on pages v to vii of the Manual of Standard Methods). Similarly, the AAG Council supports harmonised geochemical mapping.
For other conferences, please consult the web pages of the following organisations:
Association of Applied Geochemists
International Association of GeoChemistry
European Association of Geochemistry
Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health
International Medical Geology Association